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A FamilyStory

Claudine Emond has worked in the field of transportation for nearly ten years. Passionate about human resources, she has specialized in staff management in the transportation field. Over the years, GP Prestige has received several requests, from both companies and owner-operators, regarding broker services.

A new concept emerged from these repeated requests. Would it be possible to provide owner-operators with a tool that could make work more accessible to them? And how to ensure that companies can effectively and efficiently use the services of owner-operators?


Transportationis Constantly Evolving

In a field where technologies are always changing and evolving, the internet would have to be cornerstone of the concept. Now, the goal was finding a different, simple, original, thoughtful, accessible and user-friendly way to offer the product. In our view, the best solution would provide benefits for both owners-operators and companies.

This idea led us to the product we are offering you today. A web platform where companies can search for owner-operators at any time, based on specific criteria and requirements. Whatever the size of their business, owner-operators can always be on the lookout for carriers’ requests.
Owner-operators may also offer their services to companies with requirements corresponding to their resources. Now, everyone can find their perfect business match.
